All in all, the Irma experience was worth it, but at the same time I'm very glad to be in the more comfortable room at the Comfort Inn in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Speaking of South Dakota, I went to two new states today, Montana and South Dakota. Part of the fun of road tripping across the country is stopping in the little turnouts by the welcome signs for each new state you enter. There have been several times when I have not been the only tourist taking cheesy photographs in front of those welcome signs as proof that I was indeed in that state, even if only for a few minutes/miles, as was the case with Montana today. But in my book, that still counts!
While I'm on the subject, some other new states this trip so far have included Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. I had previously been to both Arizona and Nevada. Clearly, I'm doing pretty good in checking new states off the list and I'm not even halfway across the country yet, which means there are plenty more new ones to come!
Today was primarily another driving day. Originally, we were going to try to do Mount Rushmore late afternoon/early evening, but we got somewhat of a late start and the drive through the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming took much longer than we had anticipated thanks to crazy winding roads as illustrated by this road sign!
Prior to the mountains, we ran across an interesting sight: a military airplane graveyard. My dad and I both enjoy studying and looking at different aircraft and therefore decided to take a quick pit stop to look at the planes. Some of the planes were more recent rejects such as the green C-130s below, but some were also much older, including an older Navy war plane and a Royal Canadian Air Force prop plane. It was an amusing and unexpected sight on a beautiful, but somewhat repetetive scenic drive.

Speaking of random sightings, if you were reading yesterday's blog carefully, there was a certain animal that we were unable to find in Grand Teton or Yellowstone. Can you remember what it was? If not, just scroll a bit below and you'll see for yourself!
Finally, I just wanted to brag very quickly that we paid under $4 for gas today! In Gillette, Wyoming gas was between $3.83-$3.87!!! I've mostly been paying between $4.09-$4.29 for most of the trip so far, which is still much better than the $4.50+ I'd previously been paying in Southern California. But $3.84 was a definite record low for my road trip, which pleases me as it should definitely help keep me under budget, well, at least enough to cancel out the unexpected cost of my speeding ticket!
Well, I'm off to bed early tonight for a change, possibly before midnight which has unfortunatley been unheard of this trip. I love doing the blog and I know how grateful I'm going to be to have this momento after it's over, but it has been keeping me up late as I always have so much to say and usually don't get started until around 10pm and don't finish until at least midnight because uploading the pictures takes a long time, both to upload and then choose the best ones for the blog. Again, I'm not complaining, but I am thankful that tonight might be the exception to this craziness! I even got to do laundry tonight! Yay for clean clothes for tomorrow's big, exciting day at Mount Rushmore!!! I hope I find National Treasure 3 there! Wish me luck and maybe I'll share some of it with you!
Thats awesome that even in the middle of nowhere you get to see some cool planes! I think Cheney was going to see my little cousin in Jackson :) I'm so jealous of your $3.83 gas, its going to make filling up hurt some more! (I know you've been to a lot of states... but how is the license plate hunt going?)
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