Back in August, when I had no idea where I'd be or what I'd be doing with my life in October, I decided to go ahead and buy tickets with a few of my friends to a USC football game. I figured that regardless of where I was on October 4th, I knew I would do everything I could do be at that game. It just wouldn't be fall without attending at least one Trojan football game! In September, I still didn't have a job and so I figured I might as well make the most of my free time so I put together a plan to fly out to LA for the football game and for a little visit with my LA friends and then would head down to San Diego to visit with the folks for a couple days and go thru my storage unit to gather more of my stuff to bring back to Raleigh with me.

I landed at LAX on Friday, October 3rd, after an easy problem-free couple of flights. My good friend and old roommate Jenn picked me up and we headed to our friend Sarah's apartment in the heart of downtown LA to wait for her to come home from work. I got in a bit early, so while we were waiting, we decided to walk a couple of blocks to one of my favorite restaurants, California Pizza Kitchen, to grab some take out dinner. I had my favorite, a barbeque chcken chopped salad, yum!

When Sarah got home, we ate and then headed off to a friend, Kirk's, going away party - he was moving back home to Oklahoma. I knew most of the people there from school and from Christian Challenge, a group of awesome people on campus that always made me feel welcome even though I was never an official member. At first, I didn't want to go because I had selfishly been looking forward to hanging out and catching up with Jenn and Sarah, but, in the end, I was that I had gone because it reminded me that even though I didn't realize it, I do have quite a few people in LA who I could call my friends and who care about me. That was definitely refreshing and made me feel really good. I had a blast!
I spent the night with Sarah and slept in the living room on an air mattress for the first time. That was an interesting experience. Luckily, I was tired and a bit jet-lagged so I think I slept pretty well considering. The next day, Sarah and I grabbed lunch at The Counter, a phenomenal burger joint in Santa Monica, definitely a top five favorite restaurant of mine!

I'm salivating just thinking about it now and really need to stop because I don't have time to drive down to Charlotte, the lcoation of the nearest Counter, to grab a burger before work tonight, bummer!
After lunch, it was time to get ready for the event I had come to town for: the USC Trojans vs. Oregon Ducks football game! I donned my #4 Joe McKnight jersey and my USC sweatshirt since it was a night game and I knew it would get a little chilly later on. My friends Katie, Jenn, and Jon picked Sarah and I up and we headed to the Coliseum. We only had to park a few blocks away, which really isn't that bad considering we were battling with 90,000 people for parking.

For some reason, the computerized ticketing system wouldn't let us purchase 5 tickets together, so we had to split up the seats, with Jenn and Jon in one section and Sarah, Katie, and I in the other.

However, there were some empty seats near Jenn and Jon by halftime so we moved up there and got to sit together for that half of the game.

The game was awesome as always, especially since we won 44-10!

The only negative to the night was that rained a little, but even though the weather dampened our coats, it definitely didn't dampen our school spirit!

There's always so much energy in the Coliseum that you can't help but have fun, especially when your team is kicking butt! Plus, being at the game brings back so much nostalgia and so many memories of all the good times I had in school and a part of me always wishes that my friends and I could travel back to senior year and be carefree and together again. It's been hard being so far away from my family and friends and from the city I loved and lived in for so long and always dreamed I'd live in forever. Raleigh has been an exciting challenge, but it definitely hasn't been easy and going back to LA was just as hard as I knew it would be, but just as fun as I'd hoped it would be, too!
After the game, everyone was pretty beat, so Sarah and I just went back to her apartment and watched a movie. If memory serves me, I believe it was "Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day" with 2 of my favorite actors Lee Pace (I'm totally in love with him from the ironically dearly departed "Pushing Daisies") and Amy Adams. If not, I'm sure it was a great movie whatever it was.
On Sunday, I attended church with Sarah and several of the people from Challenge. It was funny to me that I'd known these people for a good portion of college, but I'd only really hung out with them in social settings, such as football games and holiday parties, and I'd never been to church with them in all that time until a year and a half after graduating. The church had a good feel to it and it was nice to see where everyone went on Sunday mornings while I always slept in. I might have a slight regret for never having gone before, but at the time, sleep seemed like the better things to do, and I can't really fault my younger self for wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to sleep in. Now that I've been in the working world for a while, I know how precious and few those mornings when you actually can sleep in can be, even more so now that I live with a baby who's up at 7am and a dog who barks at his own shadow when it shows up as the sun rises in the morning!
We hit up In 'N' Out for lunch, another amazing west coast fast food burger joint that's a top fiver for sure! I hadn't had it in 3 months and that was definitely 3 months too long!
After lunch, I still had some time before I had to catch a train down to San Diego, so Jenn, Sarah, and I put our heads together and remembered that there was a mini golf place nearby, so we decided to go have some fun on the putting green!

It was a little competitive, but nothing too crazy!

A surprising number of holes in one were scored that afternoon, one of which was thankfully mine, or at least that's what I choose to remember and believe as the truth. Mostly, we laughed and had fun and tried to capture a few good memories and photos to last us until the next time we could all get together again.
After mini-golf, we still had some time to kill before I had to be at the train station, so we stopped by Jenn's mostly moved in condo so I could see it as I'd never been before. It was pretty amazing! I'm especially jealous of the fact that she has a view of the Hollywood sign in the distance from her living room window, a feature I had always wanted to have in my own apartment, but was never able to achieve...maybe someday.
Finally, it was time to head to the train station. I said goodbye to Jenn and hopped back in the car with Sarah. She dropped me off and we said goodbye. The last time I rode on the train was to meet my family in San Juan Capistrano for a Father's Day brunch together, a trip on which I only took my purse. I had never ridden on the train with luggage before and as if that wasn't enough of an added complication, the train was overbooked and there was standing room only. However, I must have pretty good ingenuity, or, well, maybe just a little bit of luck, but I was able to get away with sitting in a booth in the snack car by constantly buying soda and candy to last me the whole trip down to San Diego. I was pretty proud of myself.
Mom and Dad met me at the train station in Solana Beach. Mom, of course, was waving her slightly embarrassing, but creative and thoughful and full of love homemade "welcome home" sign as she greeted me with hugs and tears. I can't remember what we did for dinner that night, possibly because we didn't really go anything since I had filled up on soda and candy on the train ride.
Being home was pretty mellow and low key, just the way I like it. Since I went away to college, home has always been a refuge where I can completely relax and not think about my other life full of school, homework, reading, papers, work, etc. for a little while. Thankfully, home is still that place for me, and hopefully, it will always be that way. Mom and I went on one of our dates, just the two of us while Dad was at work. We went to Maggie Moo's for ice cream. I had a cup of black cherry ice cream that was amazing and I think Mom had a Pistacio milkshake. Then we took our treats and wandered around World Market because it's just such a fun, eclectic store to roam and every once in a while, you find some pretty unique things.
This has become somewhat of a tradition for us, something we always try to do when I'm home. Not sure how the tradition got started, but I think it's here to stay! I'm sure we went to In 'N' Out again while I was home because you can never have enough to get you through the long, lonely months without it!
I was also able to meet up with a couple of friends, Jazell and Brad, who I went to school with and who now live and work down in San Diego and are always begging me to move back! We went to dinner at On The Border, a pretty yummy Mexican restaurant, which thankfully has locations here in Raleigh (surprisingly, Raleigh actually has several decent Mexican restaurants in the area, I've been very impressed and glad that I am able to satisfy that craving at least while living so far away from California). It was great to see them and catch up for a bit.
After spending some more time bonding with the folks, I packed up 2 suitcases worth of additional warm clothes and jackets to try to prepare for the colder winter I was going to experience in North Carolina compared to the much milder ones I was used to in California, got up early on Wednesday, October 8, said a quick goodbye to Mom to avoid both of us making the other one cry, and drove to the airport with Dad. Dad always seems to have a trick up his sleeve when it comes to traveling and this time was no different. He had business he needed to take care of in Las Vegas that week and it just so happened that I was going to be changing planes in Las Vegas on the way back to Raleigh, so he moved his meetnigs to Wednesday so that he could fly with me from San Diego to Las Vegas. It was pretty great of him to do that and I enjoyed it because he had been working most of the time I was home so it was nice to spend a little quality time together, just the two of us. It was our version of my date with Mom, and it was fitting since we do seem to be pretty good traveling buddies after our stint on the road together during my cross country trip this summer.
All in all, I think I managed to cram a lot into a short amount of time, saw everyone I wanted to see, and did pretty much everything I wante to do, and loved every second of it. I was sad to go and sad to leave, but mostly I was just happy that I got the chance to travel back home for a few days before I started working, at which point it may not have been possible to visit for such a long weekend. Now, I was back in Raleigh and ready to experience the first of many holidays out here, starting with Halloween!