Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Working Girl (October 23, 2008)

Sunday, February 1, 2009
North Carolina State Fair! (October 18, 2008)

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Pumpkin Patch! (October 13, 2008)

Sadly, our pumpkins went uncarved as we never found the time to sit down and carve them or we just plain forgot, or a combination of the two. They still served us well, sitting on the front steps of the house and adding the perfect seasonal touch to the oustide decor for both the Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Los Angeles/San Diego Visit (October 3-8, 2008)

I landed at LAX on Friday, October 3rd, after an easy problem-free couple of flights. My good friend and old roommate Jenn picked me up and we headed to our friend Sarah's apartment in the heart of downtown LA to wait for her to come home from work. I got in a bit early, so while we were waiting, we decided to walk a couple of blocks to one of my favorite restaurants, California Pizza Kitchen, to grab some take out dinner. I had my favorite, a barbeque chcken chopped salad, yum!
When Sarah got home, we ate and then headed off to a friend, Kirk's, going away party - he was moving back home to Oklahoma. I knew most of the people there from school and from Christian Challenge, a group of awesome people on campus that always made me feel welcome even though I was never an official member. At first, I didn't want to go because I had selfishly been looking forward to hanging out and catching up with Jenn and Sarah, but, in the end, I was that I had gone because it reminded me that even though I didn't realize it, I do have quite a few people in LA who I could call my friends and who care about me. That was definitely refreshing and made me feel really good. I had a blast!
I spent the night with Sarah and slept in the living room on an air mattress for the first time. That was an interesting experience. Luckily, I was tired and a bit jet-lagged so I think I slept pretty well considering. The next day, Sarah and I grabbed lunch at The Counter, a phenomenal burger joint in Santa Monica, definitely a top five favorite restaurant of mine!
I'm salivating just thinking about it now and really need to stop because I don't have time to drive down to Charlotte, the lcoation of the nearest Counter, to grab a burger before work tonight, bummer!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Pooh Corner Drive in Raleigh, North Carolina!
If you ever decide to buy some investment property or move to Raleigh, North Carolina, this is the street that your new house should be on:
Love, Jessa
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Labor Day Weekend at Atlantic Beach!
Anyway, enough about boring job stuff and on to more interesting topics, such as the beach! Thankfully, I chose to move to the other side of the country where there are still beaches just a few hours away, so I won't go into coastal withdrawal, just California withdrawal! True to form, my cousins kindly invited me to travel with them to Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, where friends of Tiahna's (my cousin Billy's wife, for those of you that don't know) family own a beach house and let them use it once a year. It's only a short walk down the street to the beach and is split into two units, one upper and one lower. I was lucky enough to get the whole lower unit to myself while my cousins and Tiahna's parents stayed upstairs.
The weather was gorgeous! Fortunately, while there was a storm inland of us, no hurricanes or tropical storms loomed and we were able to enjoy our time at the beach, worry-free! Speaking of that storm, I sat on the deck for over an hour the first night watching the most amazing lightning show I've ever seen! In the distance, just north of us, light constantly flashed and flickered from behind the huge storm clouds and jagged bolts streaked down to the earth below. I couldn't capture it a photo as my timing was always off, but I did manage to get some pretty good video footage, including an awesome lightning bolt toward the end of the video. Check it out!

After our walk, we met Tiahna's dad back at the house and decided to grab an early dinner at the Channel Marker restaurant, which sits right on the edge of the water, the water being the Bogue Sound, not the Atlantic Ocean, though.

The rest of the weekend followed much the same as the first night, marked by the yummy food we ate, as all good vacations usually are. The remainder of our time was spent resting, watching a little college football (! can't miss a USC football game, regardless of where I am!), playing in the Atlantic Ocean, relaxing in rocking chairs on the deck, and enjoying each other's company.
On Sunday morning, we grabbed brunch at a buffet at a local joint called Shooters.

Having accomplished my goal of finally swimming in the Atlantic, we dried off and took a ride to check out the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, just a few minutes down the road from the beach house.

After the Aquarium, we headed back to the house where Tiahna's mom had now joined us for the rest of the weekend. With everyone present and accounted for, it was time for another yummy seafood dinner at a local fav called Amos Mosquitos - with a unique name like that, you just know it's going to be good!

I must say that I badly flunked at taking photos this weekend, perhaps I'm just a little camera'd out after all the hundreds of photos I took on my road trip. I didn't think about it at the time, but I'm sorry about it now. Oh well, at least I have the blog to preserve the memories in words if not images. I guess that means I'll have to write an extra long blog because I hear that "a picture is worth a thousand words" and I have a lot of pictures to make up for.
Following dinner, we went back to the house and meandered out onto the deck for some rocking chair relaxing and chit-chatting under the clear starry sky - another bonus about the less populated city of Raleigh and North Carolina in general is that I can see more stars than I even knew existed beyond the thick layer of smog in Los Angeles. There must be something blowing in the ocean breeze, poppy seeds or tryptophan or sleep-inducing sea salt, a combination of which causes me to fall asleep much earlier than usual, before midnight even, while at the beach because after an hour so of hanging out on the deck, I had become very sleepy, so I made my way downstairs to my unit and promptly passed out for the night. Ah, you gotta love beach vacations!
When I opened my eyes again, morning had dawned on Labor Day. You know what that means...yep, it was time for more food, this time at the Four Corners Diner down the street for some breakfast.

I had originally thought that we would be leaving shortly after breakfast, but was glad that I was wrong. We decided to stick around a little longer and check out Fort Macon, which is located at the eastern point of the island and dates back to the early 1800s, around the War of 1812.

Fort Macon marked our last stop at the beach. We said goodbye to Tiahna's parents, piled in the car and headed home. However, we did take a little detour from our original route. Tiahna knew that I wanted to take a car ferry and had missed my chance while I was in Wilmington, so she drove a little out of the way so we could ride one that afternoon. We drove onto a ferry boat, the Floyd J. Lupton Ferry, to be exact, at Cherry Branch, NC and floated across a small part of the Pamlico Sound to Minnesott Beach.
After the fun ferry ride, which everyone enjoyed, including Dylan,
And that concludes my fun and relaxing Labor Day Weekend at Atlantic Beach! Hopefully, I'll have more fun times to write about soon, and, if I'm really lucky, I'll have a new job and/or apartment to write about, too! As always, stay tuned!